Submissions to Inquiries
DWDV Submissions to Inquiries
Dying With Dignity Victoria responds to Government inquiries relevant to our purpose. Copies of past submissions can be viewed and downloaded here:
Submission: Five year review of the operation of Victoria’s VAD Act 2017
(19 February 2024)
Submission to the ACT Inquiry into the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023
(18 January 2024)
Submission to the South Australian Inquiry into end-of-life choices
(1 August 2019)
Submission to the Queensland 2019 Inquiry into aged care, end-of-life and palliative care and voluntary assisted dying
(9 April 2019)
Submission to The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety
(21 March 2019)
Submission to the Select Committee on End of Life Choices in the ACT
(2 February 2018)
Submission to the Victorian Government Legal and Social Issues Committee Inquiry into End of Life Choices
(30 July 2015)
Other Submissions to Inquiries
Submission to Religious Freedom Bill Jan 2020
Ian Wood, National Co-ordinator and Spokesperson for the Australian group, Christians Supporting Voluntary Assisted Dying
(Jan 2020)
Other Resources
- Our Newsletters
- Interviews
- Information for Consumers and Caregivers
- Books, Films and Podcasts
- Witnessess and Contact people
- Voluntary Refusal of Food and Fluid (VRFF)
- Victoria – from leader to laggard in Voluntary Assisted Dying
- Submissions to Inquiries
- Arguments Supporting VAD
- Supporting Organisations
- WFRtDS Conference – Toronto 2022
- WFRtDS Conference – Dublin 2024