About Us
Danielle Jacobs
DWDV Board Member
Professionally, I’ve built my career as a senior psychologist, speaker, coach, and consultant in the fields of wellbeing and leadership, working with individuals, teams, and organisations locally and internationally. However, it was the devastating experience of supporting an incredible young friend with acute myeloid leukaemia that truly galvanised my drive to personally contribute to ensuring a better life and death for others.
Watching my friend—a new mother—suffer through agonising pain and fear, compounded by what I regard as inhumane hospital care, was intolerable. Her unnecessary distress and suffering, along with the helplessness felt by her family and me, ignited a fierce resolve in me. Since the passing of my dear friend, unfortunately, I’ve witnessed many similar heartbreaking situations firsthand.
Through my volunteer work in palliative care and as a VAD witness, alongside my two Delta Therapy Dogs, I have seen the very best in humane and loving end-of-life care. Yet, we still have a long way to go. Access to end-of-life options must be equitable, and people, especially during their most vulnerable moments, should never have to fight for care that aligns with their needs, values or preferences.
Every individual should have full control over their end-of-life choices. Every person deserves the right to have their wishes respected and to die a peaceful death free from unnecessary suffering. This includes people with dementia, who are currently excluded from access to Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD).
While there is no single fix to this complex issue, improving community end-of-life choices understanding, respecting every individual’s end-of-life wishes, and ensuring equitable access to VAD are crucial steps. If we want to be considered a human society, we owe it to everyone to ensure their end-of-life journey is free from unnecessary suffering and that they are supported by their loved ones and care givers in the way they choose.
I feel absolutely privileged to be able to support Dying with Dignity Victoria in the pursuit of this essential outcome as a Board member.