WFRtDS Conference – Toronto 2022
It was a great privilege to attend the World Federation Right to Die Societies biennial Conference 2022, in Toronto. I had the most fantastic time and met some amazing individuals.
It was fascinating to hear the progress that has been made, or in some cases lack of progress, around the world by organizations all of whom have a common purpose, to provide humane and compassionate end-of-life choices for their societies
Anne Bunning, VADSA and Secretary of the WFRtDS, Palliative Care Physician Dr Greg Mewett, Ballarat and Mike Gaffney MLC, Tasmania were also there and ensured that a fun time was had by all!
Anne Bunning and I have compiled a summary of events and presentations from the Conference. On our websites, DWDV and VADSA, we will be adding some photos and a couple of brief videos of a few Conference attendees commenting about end-of-life issues in their respective country.
Both the WFRtDS and DWD Canada have posted some great articles on their websites and will add more over the next few weeks.
Jane Morris
DWDV Vice President
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- Victoria – from leader to laggard in Voluntary Assisted Dying
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- WFRtDS Conference – Toronto 2022
- WFRtDS Conference – Dublin 2024

Jane Morris, DWDV, Victoria and Dr Stefanie Green, Canada
WFRtDS Conference Downloads

President of WFRtDS, Asunción Alvarez, presenting the ‘Marilynne Seguin’ award, accepted by Jane Morris, on behalf of Shayne Higson

L-R: Michael Gaffney MLC, Tasmania; Janie Lazar, Chair ‘End of Life, Ireland’ ; Dr. Greg Mewett, Palliative Care Physician, Ballarat Victoria

Dr. Sorcha, ‘FATE’, Scotland

L-R: Anne Bunning Secretary WFRtDS, Vice President Voluntary Assisted Dying South Australia; Dr Gary Payinda End-of-Life Choice Society, New Zealand; and Mary Ewert, Final Exit Network Illinois