In this interview with Si Gladman, and published by the Rationalist Society of Australia, Rodney Syme, who is a Patron of the RSA, discusses the current position of VAD in Australia and gives his views on the progress that has been made in recent years. As he says:
Great social change always involves long hard battles – think abolition of slavery, suffragettes and women’s right to vote, equality for the LGBTI community. But making strong and persistent argument in order to change public opinion and diminishing political fear are the keys to success.
Once Victoria broke the ice with a compromise VAD law, further change with improvement in each new Act of parliament in other states has rapidly followed.
Rodney also says this progress has given him a ‘sense of vindication’ for the 30 years and more in which he has campaigned for voluntary assisted dying laws in Australia.
Read the full interview here …
[Source: Rationalist Society of Australia]