A Completed Life (paperback)

AUD $25.00
A Completed Life (paperback)

A Completed Life (paperback)

AUD $25.00
This book presents Dr Syme's views on the plight of people with dementia, and his suggestion for further legislative change.
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  • Description

This book presents Dr Syme's views on the plight of people with dementia, and his suggestion for further legislative change. The book's title reflects a life that has been long, and where all that was possible has been achieved - and so is in a sense 'complete'. There follows consideration of the problems that may follow, and what may be a reasonable response.

ISBN: 978-0-646-88535-3
Format: Paperback
Pages: 286
Publisher: Dying With Dignity Victoria
Publication date: 11 November 2023

NOTE: Electronic versions of this book are also available for e-readers:

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